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CrickRock Webrings
Rambling on: the little wonder

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

the little wonder

The little one is watching the news with me…. She’s had been badgering me for don’t know what and I was not paying any attention to her…..

then realizing that I had just come back home from work and this was the only time I would be spending with her…I fake some interest to find out..

“yes baba, I will be needing hundred rupees”

“ok dear but how come you need the money”

“oh we are having a bomb blast at school tomorrow”

at this stage, i stop watching the TV…if she wanted my attention, she sure got it..

“excuse me honey, what did you say?”

“yes, a bomb blast in the school yard, we have it very year before we break for winter holidays” she says to me ..her eyes still focussed on the TV...

…then she realizes and adds.

“sorry baba, I meant bon-fire at school…not a bomb blast…I must have been watching the news story ”…and lets out her squeaky laugh


Blogger TS said...

Squeeky laugh :) She sounds adorable!
Thanks for the lovely story, an instant mood lifter :)

5:31 AM  

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