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CrickRock Webrings
Rambling on: its only the giving that makes you what you are

Monday, June 26, 2006

its only the giving that makes you what you are

after the october earthquake i wished i could give it all up and go into volunteering work.. as a parent with two young kids & things at work on a shaky ground, this wish remained what it was; a wish resigned to a later time in life when the kids were independent & life could break free of inner cowardice & did not need crutches of compromise

i really do feel like a coward these days unwilling to take up new challenges, same shit every single day; anal retentive boss thrown in for good measure

i have nothing but my utmost respect for warren buffet who has gifted 85% of his personal wealth to the Gates Foundation. amounting to USD35B & raising the Gates Foundation financial to over USD40B

if anyone has a chance to see a re-run of the Gates & Warren press conference held on Monday, please do so... it was great listening to these two gentlemen


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