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CrickRock Webrings
Rambling on: Jun 21, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

be nice

some dude on the idiot box was rambling about being nice to people & starting your day with a smile... this is pretty unknown in pakistan.... smiling at complete strangers. you are mistaken for a fool or a retard with a twitch

but i tell you especially with the ordinary working man on the street, the laborers, the newspaper boys, it is fun if you are polite to them...

woke up to a saddest of news items .... someone in lahore, out of poverty and the frustration of the daily battles kills his 3 young daughters.... have had a lump in my my throat all day....find myself getting emotional at these things.... this guy confessed to the police of this slaughter and the security guard at the jail shots this man dead

the guard justifies his act by saying that a person who kills three young girls does not deserve to live.... justice denied but being a father i wonder if i had acted any differently.... makes my blood boil....

justice would serve if this guy (the father) gets institutionalized and the girls are put up at the edhi home.... what wrong had these innocent girls done....